Money can be very interesting if you really think about it. It controls so many people’s lives. Why do we work? Well we need to in order to support ourselves and our family, right? I watch these animals on these islands and it basically comes down to survival of the fittest. There is no such thing as money to them. And I just can’t imagine our society without money. It would be complete chaos and anarchy. I don’t see how these animals seem so content but we put so much time and surround our lives around money. We spend our entire lives studying to make good grades, so we can get into a well educated college, so that we can get that well paying job so we can save up for our 401K so we will then have all the freedom to do whatever we want when were 65. At least that’s the way society wants us to believe that’s the way it work.
I woke up this morning thinking about how much money I’ve spent on this trip and knowing I haven’t made a penny being away from work for the past 3 weeks. I got to the construction site and could not stop thinking about the fact that I had already rang up nearly a $150 bill at my hotel and I still had 5 more days to pay for. I still worked just as hard today and even learned to lay roofing and how to weld, but I still could not get money off my mind.
We worked until the sun set and afterwards I said a prayer asking God to handle all my worries and problems on my mind. I asked God to take control. Trying to fix my own problems and do it my way has not got me anywhere this entire trip.
Before dinner I was asked by Alfonso if I wanted to stay with him these next few nights at
This was the best meal I’ve had this entire trip. The next big surprise was when one of the guys from
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