Sunday, August 17, 2008

Day 18

I was woken this morning to the smell of some patacones being cooked. I took a big whiff knowing this would be my last one for this trip.

When we finished breakfast Belen and Luisa were off to work for the day so they introduced me to their friend Denise who spoke really good English.

(Me and Denise)

Denise took me to some parks around town and then eventually to a place called Parque Historico Guayaquil.

It was a park that consisted of a variety of animals and history on what Guayaquil was like when it was founded in 1763.

We got along really well and the whole time we were laughing and telling each other our backgrounds. We went out to lunch and talked until she had to go to work at 3pm. Since Belen and Luisa didn't get off work till 6, I had some free time to spare. I wandered the city by myself until I eventually met a guy named Jim. Jim was from Chicago and was a Cubs fan. Although he was a Reds rivalry, Jim was one of the coolest guys I have met this entire trip. He quit his job 9 months ago and has been traveling throughout South America sleeping where he can like me. We talked for about an hour about baseball, football, and our travels.
Before I left for the airport Belen and Luisa asked Denise, Jim, and I to come over for a dinner they had made. They introduced me to a dinner called Llapingacho which is a fried, mashed potato mixed with cheese that is served with sausage and fried eggs.
As I sat there laughing with my 4 new friends I realized these people really do care about me. It's such a different culture here and I really don't think it's something I can explain, it's something you have to experience for yourself. Being from the States you don't ever kiss someone when you first meet them, you don't invite them over for dinner, and you definitely don't let them sleep under your roof. I've noticed people from Ecuador will go out of their way for you and just enjoy having you in their presence.
(Luisa, Denise, Belen, Martina, Me, Jim)

At 10:30pm I hugged Belen and Luisa goodbye and thanked them for everything. They said I will always have a place to stay if I ever come back. Jim and Denise drove with me over to the airport and saw that I got to my flight okay. As I walking away I started thinking back on how I started this trip by myself and just how many wonderful people I have met on the way.

To: Bill, Connie, Joil, Leah, Myron, Roger, Dr. Motobo, Heather, Audry, Patience, Mo, CJ, Troy, Becky, Lindsay, Lauren, Amy, Leslie, Lezlie, Beth, Whitney, Bekah, Jonathan, Caleb, Seth, Eduardo, Amaina, Ray, Wilson, Maryville, Domingo, Alfonso, Alex, Jimmy, Robert, Mika, John, Dave, Dwayne, Phil, Lee, Pastor RW, Bill, David, Joe, Carlos, Tanya, Belen, Luisa, Denise and Jim.

Whether you fed me, gave me a place to sleep, or just held an English conversation with me, thank you. You all have made this a life changing experience for me. I will never forget this and I will never forget a single one of you.

Dios te Bendiga. -Love Daniel
P.S. I'm coming home!

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